Privacy Statement - Amextra
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Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

The Asociación Mexicana de Transformación Rural y Urbana A.C., also known as AMEXTRA, is located at La Otra Banda, No. 54 Int. C, Col. La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090, Ciudad de México, México. Our website is, which is accountable for the protection and use of your personal data.


Motives for the collection of data:

The data that we collect is used for the following purposes and are necessary for the solicited services:

  • To keep in contact with you when necessary
  • To verify and confirm your patrimonial status

Additionally, we might use your information – besides for the solicited services -for secondary purposes related to providing you with a better customer service experience:

  • Organization statistics

In the case you desire for your personal data to not be utilized for these purposes, please note:

I do not want my personal data used for the following purposes:

[ ] Organization statistics

The refusal of the use of your personal data for the previous purposes is not a motive for AMEXTRA to decline services and products which you acquire.


What personal data are we using?

To accomplish the purposes described in this policy, we might collect the following data:

  • Name
  • Marital status
  • Federal Taxpayer Registration Number (known as RFC or “Registro Federal de Contribuyentes” in Mexico)
  • Unique Population Registration Number (known as CURP or “Clave única de Registro de Población in Mexico)
  • Place of birth
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Place of residence
  • Phone number
  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Autograph signature
  • Electronic signature
  • Age
  • Photograph
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Work address
  • Educational history
  • Tax payer information
  • Bank accounts
  • Identification documents
  • Contact information

In addition to the personal data previously mentioned, for the purpose of this privacy policy we will use the following data as sensitive information, which require special protection:

  • Ethnicity or indigenous origin


How can I access, rectify, delete my personal data, or oppose their use?


You you have the right to know which personal data we have, why we use it and the conditions of their use (Access). Moreover, it is your right to solicit the correction of your personal data in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectify;), or have your data removed from our data bases or records when you consider that the information is not being used properly (Cancel); furthermore, you can oppose to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Oppose).  These rights are known as ARCO rights.


If you want to exercise your ARCO rights, you must present the request through the following means:

By sending an email to [email protected] or presenting your request at La Otra Banda, No. 54 Int. C, Col. La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090, Ciudad de México, México. The contact information of the person or personal data department, which is in charge of the procedure of applications of this nature are the following:

  1. Name of the person or personal data department: Ofelia Cinto Tehuitzil
  2. Address: La Otra Banda, No. 54 Int. C, Col. La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090, Ciudad de México, México
  3. Email: [email protected]
  4. Phone number: 55 50 40 44


You can revoke your consent for the use of personal data


You can revoke the consent that you previously granted for the treatment of your personal data. Nonetheless, it’s important that you keep in mind that we can’t attend to all cases or cancel the use of all data immediately, it is possible that because of a legal obligation we need to keep your personal information. Likewise, you have to consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent implies that we cannot continue to provide you the solicited services and that it may signify the ending of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you must deliver your request to the following contact:

The proceedings starts with the presentation of the request n in our offices, located at La Otra Banda, No. 54 Int. C, Col. La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090, Ciudad de México, México. To know the procedure or requirements for the revocation of consent, we provide you with the following email: [email protected]


How can you limit the use or divulgation of your personal information?


For you to limit the use and divulgation of your personal information, we provide you with the following email: [email protected]

To learn the procedure or requirements for the revocation of consent, we provide you with the following email: [email protected]


How can I know if there has been any changes in the privacy policy?


The present privacy policy is subject to changes, modifications or actualizations derivative of new legal proceedings or requirements; of our own needs for the products and services we provide; our privacy practices; of the changes in our business model, or for other reasons. We commit to keeping you informed on the changes that this policy might undergo through a notification via the last email you provided us and by posting updates through our website.


Last update: 24/01/2023